Below is an important message from one of our highly valued sponsors. Please read it carefully as they have some special information to share with you. One of the BIGGEST aspects of improving blood flow (for both heart health AND erectile health) is maximizing nitric oxide production in the body. In this quick email, I'm going to show you THREE of the simplest and most important ways to boost your nitric oxide production so that you can enjoy the benefits of better heart health and better erectile health... 1. Beets, beet juice, or beet powder Beets contain unique phytonutrients that are proven in dozens of studies to boost nitric oxide in your body, which has a significant impact on improving blood flow, including erectile blood flow. This is why beet powder is often contained in many nitric oxide boosting supplements or drinks. 2. Raw Honey I've talked about in past newsletters how honey is almost a "miracle sugar" in that your body processes it very differently than typical sugar. Honey has a lower impact on blood sugar and is also good for the health of your oral microbiome, whereas standard sugar isn't. But an extra special benefit of raw honey is that it is also a nitric oxide booster and thereby increases blood flow, including erectile blood flow! 1 to 2 tbsp of raw honey a day can help nitric oxide and blood flow. 3. Sun Exposure on your Skin Although the media would have you believe that the sun is "deadly", the reality is that the sun is the source of all life on earth. And while excess sun exposure and frequent burning of the skin may have some relation to increased skin cancer (although eating too much omega6 fats from vegetable oil is actually a bigger cause of skin cancer), getting enough sun exposure is vitally important for vitamin D levels, immune strength, mood, serotonin levels, and dozens of other aspects of your health. And another VERY important benefit of sun exposure on your skin without sunscreen is the production of nitric oxide in your body which improves blood flow, also improving erectile blood flow! So, if you want to improve your erections for better and more frequent sex, don't ignore beets, honey and sunshine! With that said, also take a look at this interesting new story below... Remove "Penile Clog" in 15 Minutes with This: New research shows that if a man cannot "get it up" in the bedroom… It's NOT because of his poor blood circulation and… It's NOT even down to his low testosterone levels…. It's something completely different that you can reverse in 48 hours with the help of a potent "erectile tonic" that stiffens you up in 2 minutes or so… >> Discover the potent "erectile tonic" men are taking to rapidly harden up in bed  |