This week in Horizon Magazine it's all about energy.
While hybrid and electric cars are becoming mainstream, trucks are proving more difficult to decarbonise. Due to the long charging time, and the vast distances they travel, fitting them with batteries poses challenges. Hydrogen power is emerging as a promising solution, and EU-backed projects are taking the lead in scaling up the technology.
In the scramble to find alternatives to fossil fuels, researchers are also developing technology to mimic natural photosynthesis, the process plants use to turn sunlight into energy. This month, a research team led by the University of Tokyo won a €5 million European Union prize for coming up with a new way to make abundant and cheap energy from sunlight, through a process known as artificial photosynthesis.
In the 1900s, the Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla dreamed of harnessing energy from the air. Now, 100 years later, scientists have learned more about how electricity is formed and released in the atmosphere, and how to use this renewable energy as part of the green energy transition. |