Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar on Wednesday won the floor test to prove the majority of the 'Mahagathbandhan' alliance government in the Assembly after the BJP staged a walkout as the Janata Dal (United) supremo addressed the House. Kumar proved his majority by a voice vote with 160 votes in his favour and zero against the . HT brings you a round-up of the most important and interesting stories, so you don’t miss your daily dose of news. | THE BIG STORY Grand Alliance shows strength; Speaker quits A two-week-old alliance in Bihar between the Rashtriya Janata Dal and Janata Dal (United) that resurrected the old Mahagathbandhan, or Grand Alliance, triumphed in the assembly floor test on Wednesday, completing a dramatic political reversal in the heartland state. The new government comprising the RJD, the JD(U), and the Congress, received 160 of the assembly’s 243 votes. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) walked out of the proceedings. Read more. | STORIES YOU MAY HAVE MISSED | | The Big Question Will the Supreme Court reconsider the powers granted to the ED? Paving the way for a possible reconsideration of the judgment upholding the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) — something that analysts and experts was suggested in its ruling on the Benaami Property Transactions Act of 1988 yesterday — the Supreme Court on Wednesday directed the review petition filed by Member of Parliament Karti P Chidambaram to be listed in open court for arguments on Thursday. Read more. | At Shivpuri, Madha Pradesh, a nullah overflowed, water got logged and residents received a scaly visitor. He was found going from door to door, probably looking for something or someone to snack on. At eight feet long and a killer smile, who was it? | | From the Edit Page India’s key role in 21st century non-alignment In times of uncertainty, old ideas have renewed relevance. As the world reels from the tectonic shifts in global power equations emerging from Covid-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war, countries in the Global South have begun to express their disquiet over the possibility of a new Cold War. Frustrated with inequities, there is growing pessimism in the current world order (with all its uncertainties) to respond to their strategic, economic, and social interests. The inequities evident in the uneven Covid vaccine roll-out and the debates on climate crisis financing are a few illustrations of this. And several countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, have expressed discomfiture in picking sides in the Eurasian conflict. Read more. | | From the Field For nursing colleges, hospitals without patients In Athakheda village of Jabalpur, 350km east of Bhopal, stands the Mahakaushal University. The structure is imposing, painted white, with three floors, and a green campus. Started in 2021, the university offers 55 courses across 11 streams, and has a total of 250 students. One of the courses is a Bachelor’s course in nursing. To fulfil government regulations, the university also has a 100-bed hospital, complete with an OPD, operation theatre, and a 10-bed intensive care unit – all at least on paper. There is just one problem. The hospital is deserted, no people are allowed to enter, and all the rooms, including the ICU, are all locked. Read more. | Infographic of the Day Diana's 'stealthy' car up for auction (Click to expand) | A crocodile | Photo of the Day Coffee & chai, in shade & silence | HT This Day: August 25, 1945 Reported death of Subhas Bose (Click to expand) The Japanese News Agency on Thursday announced the death of Mr Subhas Chandra Bose in a Japanese hospital from injuries received in an air crash, says a London message. The Japanese News Agency said: “Mr Bose, head of the ‘Provisional Government of Azad Hind,’ left Singapore on August 16 by air for Tokyo for talks with the Japanese Government. He was seriously injured when his plane crashed at Taihoku airfield at 14.00 hours on August 18. Read more. | Please share you feedback with us What do you think about this newsletter? | Were you forwarded this email? Did you stumble upon it online? Sign up here. | | | | | |