Good morning friends
Oh boy, this one appears to be hard! As of the time of writing this, I’ve only had 4 entries for this week, and the top score is 10/12, which definitely means a hard quiz! Next week’s one will be a much easier quiz of clear skies and sunny beaches to make up for it, how’s that?
Please use the below format to send your answers to by 3pm today (NZ time). Hitting reply on this email doesn’t always work, so please make sure you send your submission to just to be safe.
Aries: [Artist] [Song]
Taurus: [Artist] [Song]
Gemini: [Duet] [Song]
Cancer: [Movie] [Song]
Leo: [Artist] [Song]
Virgo: [Duet] [Song]
Wish me luck - I’m having a burger for breakfast AND lunch today. Will this be too much burger even for me???
'Cause I feel so isolated without you
I can't play a happy tune on my own
So stay by my side
High or low tide
High tide, high tide, high tide, high tide
High tide, high tide, high tide, high tide, high
And it feels like I'm falling in, again
Hint: This 2020s song, named for the star sign, is from an English virtual band fronted by the bloke from Blur. Other songs of theirs you might know are “Clint Eastwood” and “Feel Good Inc”.
They rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells
Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
Not need, just feed the war, cannibal animal
I walk the corner to the rubble, that used to be a library
Line up to the mind cemetery now
Hint: This 1990s song by a band with anger in their name deals with the U.S. military and its aggressive tactics. The title refers to the animal from this star sign and the concept of marching as a presentation format. Other songs of theirs you may know are “Killing in the Name” and “Testify”.
I have nothing to lose
My dark side been well in-tuned
A Gemini gon' show them faces
And this here just one of my moods, Babylon
Was it worth it? Would you do it again?
Aren't you tired of always making amends?
I know you hate me now (here)
I bet you hate me now (here)
Bring on the thorny crown (here)
Crucify me
Hint: Fittingly for this star sign, this 2010s song is a duet, and I need both artists to get full points - they also collaborated together on “All the Stars” for the Black Panther soundtrack. She is an American R&B singer known professionally by three initials; other songs of hers you may know are “Good Days”, “I Hate U”, Rihanna's song “Consideration” and Doja Cat's “Kiss Me More”. He’s an American rapper, songwriter, and record producer, often cited as one of the most influential rappers of his generation. Other songs of his you might know are “Alright” and “HUMBLE.”, or you might know the title of his 2015 album To Pimp a Butterfly. The title of this song is a city mentioned in the lyrics quoted.
I was a drab little crab once
Now I know I can be happy as a clam
Because I'm beautiful, baby
Did your granny say, "Listen to your heart"?
"Be who you are on the inside"?
I need three words to tear her argument apart
Your granny lied
I'd rather be shiny
Hint: This song was sung by an evil, glittery crab in Disney’s 2016 film about a Polynesian girl accompanied by the demigod Maui on an epic quest to see how far she’ll go. You’re welcome.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
Hint: Long before The Lion King, this song existed. I’ll link to the full history in the answers this afternoon, but for the purposes of this quiz: This song made it’s English language debut in the 1960s, first recorded by a band whose name means “things serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.” or “something done for the sake of appearances or as a symbolic gesture”.
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, oh
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
I love all y'all
Hey, I wish he was a Virgo, the same sign as me
Hint: This duet is between two American legends of song. One you may recognise from songs such as “Crazy in Love”, “Single Ladies” and “Formation”; the other for her supa dupa fly songs “Get Ur Freak On”, “Work It” and “One Minute Man”.