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JOHN HAVLIK AND HOWARD P. FORMAN: Polio Is Back. Trust the Vaccines.
Trump may have been giddy thinking the raid would boost his numbers, but that’s not showing up yet, and DeSantis fandom lives. Plus, Cheney won’t go quietly, something has changed in the polls since Dobbs, and a reminder that the ‘Russia Hoax’ is a hoax. Philip Bump joins Charlie Sykes. Bulwark+ members can listen to an ad-free version of these podcasts on the player of their choice. Learn more at Bulwark+ Podcast FAQ. WILLIAM KRISTOL: Is It 1858 or 1838?
🚨OVERTIME 🚨I’m sorry, but … what? This take on Liz Cheney being bad at politics is beyond bad. Dan McLaughlin writes at National Review that “She threw away her career in an act of noble self-sacrifice that descended into monomania and bad political judgment.” Come again? This is not the Republican Party voter base or America Dan once predicted. Let’s get into our Time Masheen to go back to January, 2021, where he wrote these items:
The dek, if you want a chuckle, was this: “For the first time in five years, it is possible to propose and promote conservative ideas without having to go through or around Donald Trump.” Oh, really? Later on that year, after his columns brought crow to his home from DoorDash, McLaughlin laughably argued this: “Those who object to any workable strategy against a Trump revival don’t have one.” The problem with Dan McLaughlin and many of the other anti-anti-Trump writers is any workable strategy seemingly never involves defeating Republicans by voting for Democrats. It’s only unworkable because guys like Dan want to keep their patina of good conservative intact and not tell people, hey, Maryland Republicans voted for a nutjob? You should vote for a Democrat, even if their policies are not your cup of tea. That’s it. That’s the divide. Folks like Dan and his cohorts will never say: Vote for the Democrat. We will. I guess that makes us less conservative by comparison, but maybe you can write in people in D.C. or NYC just to prove to readers you’re a “true conservative.” Bonus take, written in May of this year, is a column entitled “2020 is over: Republican primary voters haven’t abandoned Trump, but they have moved on from the last presidential election.” They haven’t. Prove me wrong. I know it’s hard to vote for people you disagree with when it counts, but if they’re wrong on the fundamentals of democracy, you should hope they lose, not cast a meaningless vote: the principle is democracy. Your vote, non-vote, or throw-away vote is reflection of that. These columnists are a disaster. Related: Some in the GOP are worried about Trump’s dominance. What have we been telling you? The Bannon Transcript. It’s not unpredictable, but it is also not good. Stolen dishonor. A wild story worth your time. Go Guardians. We apparently set a record last night after three stikeouts, we scored six runs. To his credit, he also wrote that Republican Senators should convict and disqualify him. But a lot of Senators who did (the votes weren’t there) have moved on, and, so too, it seems, sadly, has Dan McLaughlin. Mitch to the rescue! Failing candidate J.D. Vance is getting a massive cash infusion. Hope it’s worth it, Team McConnell! MATT LABASH on Chronic Trump Fatigue. That’s it for me. Tech support questions? Email Questions for me? Respond to this message. —30— Editorial photos provided by Getty Images. For full credits, please consult the article. You’re on the free list for Overtime. For the full Bulwark+ experience, become a paying subscriber: Follow The Bulwark on: Update your Bulwark email preferences on your personal My Account page. |