Dancing into the weekend like...💃

Plus, who's ready to improve their posture?
Wellness Wire
IN a nutshell
What happens when you combine a dancing star, red light therapy, and facts about posture? Yep, you guessed it. You get today's newsletter!
First up is our Q&A with "Dancing with the Stars" winner and The Movement Club founder Lindsay Arnold. After that, you can expect to learn about:
affordable at-home red light therapy
exercises to improve your posture
more health stories you need like the types of bread that won't trigger IBS
Be well,
Morgan Mandriota
Newsletter Editor, Healthline
  Written by Morgan Mandriota
February 10, 2023 • 6 min read
During Lindsay Arnold's first pregnancy, she noticed how little representation there was in the fitness world. Unable to find a program with offerings that welcome all ages, body types, and ability levels, she created one herself. The Movement Club helps people discover a love for what bodies can do rather than how they look.
Below, we chat with Arnold about her professional dancing career, self-care routine, and words of support for fellow folks living with skin conditions.
*This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: How has dancing affected your life and overall well-being?
A: I learned so much growing up as a dancer. I found a self-awareness and work ethic that has helped me throughout my career and life.
My favorite thing that dance taught me was finding joy in moving my body and taking care of it. As I've grown older, I look at movement or "fitness" as something I'm giving to myself and not something I'm forcing myself to do. The happiness that can be unlocked by finding joy in what our bodies can do is so beneficial for everyone, and I'm grateful that dancing helped me understand that.
Q: As a parent, professional dancer, and business owner, I imagine your schedule is jam packed. How do you make time to incorporate movement and self-care into your day, especially when you feel tired or unmotivated?
A: As women, I think it's so easy to spend our energy on everyone and everything but ourselves. I've really tried this past year to make sure that every single day I'm giving time to myself! It's nonnegotiable, and I look at it as a necessity for each day rather than a "bonus" or only something I do if I get to it.
Whether it's 5 minutes or 45 minutes, whatever I can fit into my day –– making that "me" time a priority each day has been the biggest game-changer. I'm more focused, happy, and ready to take on daily challenges when I give back to myself.
Greg Grunberg
Q: What's your advice for folks on how to find the type of movement that feels best for them?
A: Be willing to explore and step outside of your comfort zone. We often count something out if we aren't immediately "good" at it or if it challenges us, but I believe that's where we find growth. Have confidence, and don't be afraid to try something new until it feels good!
Q: How has living with perioral dermatitis affected your life?
A: As much as I try to not let it affect my confidence, it can definitely take its toll. I try to remember that our true beauty is so much more than what's on the outside and that we are our toughest critics! On those days when my skin is struggling the most, I find that mostly no one notices as much as I do, so I try to be easier on myself and not talk or think negatively about it. I try to focus on doing what I can to help the issue and remember that the rest is out of my hands!
I've been doing daily red light LED therapy, and it has helped so much with my flare-ups and kept the dermatitis much calmer. I've also stripped back on using any skin care products that use any type of acid and really focus on keeping the area hydrated.
Q: Do you have any tips or words of support for fellow people with skin conditions?
A: You are not your skin! You're so much more than that, and your true beauty and the reason people love you is because of YOU. It can be so tough, but try to remember that this is a phase, and it will pass.
I also think it's very helpful to know that skin issues are something that almost everyone deals with at some point in their lives, so you're not alone!
great finds
Editor faves with health perks
You know those great finds you just *have* to tell your friends about? That's how we feel about the products we recommend here. Every pick has been vetted by our editorial team, and we genuinely think it'll make your life better.
FOREO UFO 90-Second Smart Mask Treatment
FOREO UFO 90-Second Smart Mask Treatment
If you're a skin care enthusiast who jumps at the opportunity to test a fancy new gadget, this FOREO red light therapy smart mask may be for you. While the skin benefits of red light therapy aren't exactly set in stone, early research shows promise for boosting collagen, repairing sun damage, and improving the appearance of scars.
This small handheld device features both thermotherapy and cryotherapy and aims to moisturize your face and treat dark spots and acne scars. You can customize the preferred temperature, pulsation intensity, and LED color, which determines what skin issue you want to target.
Shop now
How to train your posture muscles to make life less painful
Weird Science
How to train your posture muscles to make life less painful
Good posture looks and feels great. Not that I would know from personal experience or anything — my shoulders are hunched over and my spine is curved pretty much all day. And, yes, my body does pay the price in the form of aches and pain. But enough about me.

Did you know having proper posture carries a long list of health benefits? By sitting — or standing — correctly, you can ease back pain, reduce stress on your muscles, and improve your strength, flexibility, and balance. But having good posture isn't only about the chair you use and the position of your monitor. Keeping your body in the proper position requires a certain level of strength and mobility. That's where posture exercises come in.

Whether you've got scoliosis, text neck, or you just want to stretch your spine, adding a few quick exercises to your daily routine can be incredibly helpful. Some of the most effective stretches and movements for standing taller, feeling better, and looking more confident include:
hip flexor stretches
Mountain Pose
Child's Pose
*Click here to watch these poses in action and learn how to do them.

The National Institutes of Health also recommends tips like becoming aware of your posture throughout the day; staying active; wearing comfy, low-heeled shoes; and properly positioning your desks and tables. Whatever you do, don't be like me. Get better posture.

Want to improve your posture in just 1 month? Follow our guide to perfect posture in 30 days!
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Thanks for reading! Your homework is to try one of the posture workouts we listed above and have a wonderful, restorative weekend.
Until next time,
Take care of yourself, and we'll see
you again soon!
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