While prostate cancer can be cured when detected early enough, feelings of depression and anxiety are common among both sufferers and survivors. Horizon Magazine spoke to two EU-backed research projects aiming to improve detection and diagnosis, as well as track the psychological well-being of men diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Change is afoot in the European cosmetics industry. While most ingredients used today are synthetic, animal-based or taken from wild plants, researchers are exploring new ways to make the industry kinder on our environment and on our skin. We reached out to two EU-funded projects to learn more about the alternative, sustainable ingredients that may soon be making their way into our skin care products.
We need greener and smarter modes of transport to make good on ambitions to reduce the sector's environmental impact. And while it's clear that zero-emission cars, ships and planes are key to greening transport, so is reducing emissions from the ports and harbours that service them. Now researchers are working with European ports to prepare them for accommodating a greener transport future. |