DeSantis Sucks Up to the Anti-Vax CrowdPlus, Here’s Why the Fusion Breakthrough—Decades in the Making—Matters.
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You can support The Bulwark by subscribing to Bulwark+ or just by sharing this newsletter with someone you think would value it. AMANDA CARPENTER: DeSantis Sucks Up to the Anti-Vax Crowd.
The success of Operation Warp Speed has been orphaned by both sides — the left won’t credit Trump for any policy success, and too many on the right won’t get vaxxed. Plus, crypto had a magical pull in an era of declining trust in institutions, and the unifying theory that explains all the crazy disruption in 2022. Derek Thompson joins guest host Tim Miller. Bulwark+ members can listen to an ad-free version of these podcasts on the player of their choice. Learn more at Bulwark+ Podcast FAQ. TONIGHT, for the final Thursday Night Bulwark of 2022, we’re planning a holiday extravaganza. There will be trivia, predictions, rank punditry and lots of laughs. Join Bulwark+ so you can get in all the holiday cheer! ROBERT ZUBRIN: Here’s Why the Fusion Breakthrough—Decades in the Making—Matters.
🚨OVERTIME 🚨🎵On the Jukebox 🎵 Everything Now by Arcade Fire “With great patriotism, determination, and resilience…” USCP officers are awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Thank you, USCP. Senators have hobbies! And they should! Turns out Sen. Sinema’s is buying and selling clothes. My boss, who previously occupied the seat she now holds, his was NASCAR. I didn’t expect that going in, given that he was a very serious lawyerly type of guy, but he even did a NASCAR update on a local radio station in Phoenix on Monday mornings. This Place Rules… An upcoming HBO documentary about unrest and how we got to January 6. Your feel good movie of 2023… Did you love The Peanut Butter Falcon as much as I did? If so, you’re going to love Champions. Meanwhile, back in Saint Louis… The KFC I’d patronize in college, mere blocks from the McCloskey’s (remember them?), had a non-fatal shooting over a lack of… corn. But here’s a good story from Saint Louis… Doctors at my alma mater’s hospital were able to help a wounded Ukrainian hero of Mariupol. #GoBillikens #SlavaUkraini Ovechkin gets goal #800. And he’s gonna keep going. Simply amazing to behold. RIP RFK… As we get closer to the 2023 demolition of D.C.’s historic stadium, some urban explorers give us a look at its present state. I didn’t grow up here, but I did see the last sporting event there with D.C. United and went to a number of Nats games in the early days. Saving up to buy a seat or some memorabilia. All I have from Cleveland’s Old Municipal is some dirt, an original blueprint, and a brick. That’s it for me. Tech support questions? Email Questions for me? Respond to this message. —30— Editorial photos provided by Getty Images. For full credits, please consult the article. You’re on the free list for Overtime. For the full Bulwark+ experience, become a paying subscriber: Follow The Bulwark on: Update your Bulwark email preferences on your personal My Account page. |