Home Latest Releases from PIB byCOVID-19 -September 24, 2022 Press Information BureauGovernment of India Dear Daljit SinghThis email has been sent by PIB on your request to subscribe PIB releases.Requested Ministry-wise PIB releases. •National Conference of Environment Ministers in Ekta Nagar, Gujarat inaugurated by PM •Swachh Vayu Sarvekshan- Ranking of Cities under National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) •Union Home and Cooperation Minister, Shri Amit Shah visited the Fatehpur BOP on the Indo-Nepal border in Bihar and observed Pillar No. 151 and 152 and also conducted review of various activities of the border area with Sashastra Seema Bal(SSB) •President of India presents National Service Scheme Awards for the year 2020-21 •Union Minister of State for Jal Shakti and Tribal Affairs Shri Bishweswar Tudu participates in cleanliness programme in New Delhi today •Union Minister Shri G. Kishan Reddy launches Virtual Conference 'SymphoNE' to boost Tourism Sector in North East India. •COVID - 19 Vaccination Update - Day 617 •India's Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage exceeds 217.41 Cr •Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Availability in States/UTs •Ninth Session of Governing Body of the ITPGRFA concludes •Union Home and Cooperation Minister Shri Amit Shah addressed the 'Sunder Subhumi' programme organized on the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav in Kishanganj, Bihar today •Indian Handicrafts shines in Made in India - Trade Show Exhibition in Guatemala •'Make in India' completes 8 years, annual FDI doubles to USD 83 billion •COVID-19 UPDATE •Philosophy of 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas' is inspired by Gandhian thought: Vice President •Vice President releases the book titled "Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay - Jeevan Darshan Aur Samsamyikta" •President of India presents National Service Scheme Awards •Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh says, sustainable biofuels play key role to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector at the "Global Clean Energy Action Forum-2022" at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States •India reiterates its commitment to a low-carbon future by accelerating clean energy innovations at the "Global Clean Energy Action Forum-2022" at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States •Defence Secretary reviews preparations for DefExpo 2022 during Apex Committee meeting at New Delhi To Unsubscribe Click here To change your subscription detailsClick here Facebook Twitter Share:Latest Releases from PIB Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Tumblr Telegram Email