More than half of Black and Latino households say inflation has caused them "serious financial problems," according to a national survey. The toll of recent price increases has been felt even more acutely by Native Americans.
Wastewater testing has proved to be a critical tool for early detection of COVID-19 outbreaks. Now, the research team behind the Sewer Coronavirus Alert Network is adapting the technology to find monkeypox.
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Michael Zamora/NPR
The Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa is about to celebrate 50 years of pie, gravel roads and a community eager to make you forget about your troubles. Iowans show up in droves, getting up early, partying late and filling the streets of rural towns as they bike across the state.
The last person to spot a Galápagos land iguana on Santiago Island in Ecuador was Charles Darwin in 1835. Thanks to conservationists, they're making a comeback.
Looking for a new hobby? Take some inspiration from your fellow NPR fans: From breakdancing to raising purebred Nubian goats, you've all got some pretty interesting ones.
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