MP apologises for breaching code of conduct

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Midlands MP apologises for breaching code of conduct when a councillor

Red Devils

Paulette Hamilton was judged not to have deliberately misled anyone.

A Midlands MP has apologised being after being found to have breached strict 'code of conduct'.

Paulette Hamilton was found to have breached, on one occasion, her duty declare any financial interests before taking part in relevant discussions or votes when she was a Birmingham councillor - but was judged not to have deliberately misled anyone. She has since become Labour MP for Erdington.

Ms Hamilton will not face any sanctions as a result after council officials ruled it was "an oversight", reports Politics and People Editor Jane Haynes.

An investigation was carried out after it was revealed the then cabinet member for health and social care had taken part in a debate around funding for refugee support, without declaring that she was a board member of a supporting housing company that was likely to benefit.

The investigation concluded the breach was neither "deliberate or wilful". The council said: "This breach was in error and not found to be deliberate or wilful.

"Former Cllr Hamilton has apologised for the oversight on her part. The council and the complainant who raised the matter with the council have accepted an 'informal resolution' under its internal procedures, which includes a public apology by former Cllr Hamilton."

They added: "The breach of the Code of Conduct came about because, whilst former councillor Paulette Hamilton declared her pecuniary interest (based on receipt of a modest expenses allowance) in her Registration of Interests form, in error, she did not declare this interest prior to the start of the relevant December 2021 Cabinet item."

The 'modest allowance' referred to was a quarterly expenses fee of £500 for her work preparing for and taking part in the Board meetings of Ashley Community and Housing (ACH), a specialist provider of supported housing. The MP, elected in May, said she had nothing further to add.


Not just food banks - there could now be 'heating hubs'

Councils are being urged to turn libraries, leisure centres and other public buildings into 'heating hubs' this winter amid fears desperate families will be left freezing in their homes because they can't pay their sky-high energy bills, reports Agenda Editor Richard Guttridge.

Further illustrating the scale of the cost of living crisis, the worst-off may need to rely on both food banks and heating hubs to get by this winter.

Helen Morgan, the Lib Dem MP for North Shropshire, has urged councils in the Midlands to ensure these warmed sanctuaries are available for the most in need and it's understood discussions are being held at some local authorities about setting up heating hubs.

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