Your weekly horoscope is here

Thought for the day

Just having faith, and trusting that everything will be okay, isn't always enough. Sometimes we need to be the change we wish to see, and take action to support our vision for the future. This week, as Saturn and Jupiter challenge us in an echo of 2020's Great Conjunction, it's time to define and defend our values. As the Sun and Mercury converge and enter charismatic Leo, charm, passion and generosity are the qualities that will be most effective. Where our hearts lead, others will follow.

You should read your 2022 Guide to the Future. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. It's as close as I can get you to a one-to-one reading with me. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 2022 Guide to the Future here.
Mar 21 - Apr 20
  Your Weekly Horoscope: We don't question good things that happen. We don't even always give thanks for them. We just launch ourselves in, like sunbathers who've spent too long in the sun diving into the sea. Yet as soon as we find ourselves struggling through hot sand dunes, we start wondering what we've done to deserve to be in such a sorry state. This week, you don't have to do anything to deserve the positive change in your circumstances that's coming your way. But remember to be thankful for it! The more grateful you are, the better it will be.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Apr 21 - May 21
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Our hearts always respond faster than our heads. It doesn't matter how quick thinking we are, nothing's as instantaneous as a gut-reaction. Because they're slower, our minds have time to churn things over, to ponder the different possibilities. Which is why we start questioning our instinctive response. Then, they create complex caveats which confuse us. You can get into a convoluted conversation about the merits of an idea or a suggestion. But this week's cosmic message is clear. If you want to make progress, don't ignore your feelings.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
May 22 - June 22
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Why are our dreams so full of hope, while our lives are filled with so many challenges? It's not an easy question to answer. But maybe we find difficulties strangely attractive. Somehow, they suck us in and, once we've become involved, they seem to justify themselves. And the more we expect things to go wrong, the more they do. So this week, if you think positive thoughts, will your dreams come true? You need to put some effort in too. You can't do nothing and expect to triumph. But you can afford to be hopeful.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Jun 23 - Jul 23
  Your Weekly Horoscope: How do those intricate model ships ever get into tiny bottles? How do illusionists saw people in two? These, and other mind-boggling things, seem magical... until we realise the method behind the trick. Crime novelists use a similar technique. They start by giving us the murder, then baffle us with curious diversions and interesting information, so that we haven't got a clue 'whodunnit'. This week, a reinvestigation of a mystery in your world will lead to clarity. Once the secret's revealed, you'll be in a much more powerful position.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Jul 24 - Aug 23
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Do you realise how lucky you are? Usually, even if we consciously try to count our blessings and are grateful for what we've got, we can't help but think of the challenges we're dealing with too. And, naturally enough, we spend more time and energy focusing on the difficulties. They require effort. Blessings, on the other hand, are things you don't have to do much about - other than count! This week brings a result you've been working hard for. Why has it been such a struggle? Well, it will ensure you don't take it too easily for granted!

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Aug 24 - Sep 23
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Can an understanding be reached this week? Considering the complex situation you're dealing with, surely that would be too much to hope for? Although you might be willing to set a bone of contention to one side, just to move things forwards, it's hard to imagine that everyone involved will do the same. And suppose that results in you having to work with a plan you don't believe in? There's always a risk involved. But it's one worth taking. If you find the wisdom to make a conciliatory gesture, a rewarding deal is possible.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Sep 24 - Oct 23
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Every once in a while, we have to summon up our courage and do something that will (we hope) turn a casual relationship into something more significant. And I'm not just talking about romance here. All important alliances need attention if they're going to evolve into meaningful associations. Be they short-term colleagues, or long-term partners, we all need good people to accompany us along life's journey. This week, be ready to be inspired by someone's ideas. And be bold in your response. This alliance has potential.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Oct 24 - Nov 22
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Stop. You don't have permission to read this prediction! Someone's not going to approve of you idling your time away reading your horoscope. You're still here! Gosh, you're in a rebellious mood. Okay, I get it. You're tired of conforming to someone's rules and regulations... you want to change the dynamic of this particular relationship. So you're doing little things to claim your independence. This week, implementing change will be easy. But you need to be honest and keep your integrity. Then transformation can take place.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Nov 23 - Dec 21
  Your Weekly Horoscope: In these strange times, when people in positions of power manipulate facts and blame uncomfortable wrongdoings as 'fake news', truth is a precarious and precious quality. The truth is that it needs to be respected in the same way that we respect sharp knives. They can both cut when not wielded with care. This week, your challenge is to be discreet (but honest). It's a delicate balance to find. If you use truth carefully, and trust that it will be for the good of all, it will help you find your way out of a slightly distorted reality.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Dec 22 - Jan 20
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Are we supposed to be happy? Are we born to experience joy? Surely that's why we all seek love and contentment. Why else would we all want to feel good? Of course, sometimes, being bad makes us feel good too! The reality, of life on planet Earth, is that we're an extraordinary mix of different emotions. We get angry, bored, frustrated and frightened, as well as joyful, happy and content. Life's biggest challenges involve choosing between these moods and attitudes. This week, events give you reasons to celebrate.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Jan 21 - Feb 19
  Your Weekly Horoscope: Mountains in the distance look tiny. They look small respectively too; when we look back at one we've climbed. It's when they're looming before us, and we have no option but to start scaling the rocky passes, that they appear dauntingly huge. And, as we slowly make our way to the top, they still seem massive. After a long and challenging climb, you're reaching the summit of the mountain you're climbing. It's not easy, but the worst is easily over. This week, prepare for a wonderful view of your future. It's going to be spectacular.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )
Feb 20 - Mar 20
  Your Weekly Horoscope: This week, a series of intense situations might make you feel as if everything you do is 'critical'. As if you've reached a crisis point. It's as if the weight of responsibility lies on your shoulders and you've got no choice but to get it right. No pressure then! The good news is that you've got choice. And power. You don't have to do anything that doesn't feel right. Nor do you have to find a way to resolve everyone else's issues. As long as you take baby steps, and resist the urge to join in any dramas, you'll make excellent progress.

Dreams are more intense at the Full Moon. With the biggest Supermoon of 2022 what was hidden is revealed and what was in the shadows is brought into the light. Read more about the Supermoon... (Three free Tarot and I Ching Readings with every 50% discounted personal chart. OFFER ENDS TODAY )

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