According to the Hindu calendar, Mahashivratri is observed on the Chaturdashi date of the Krishna Paksha of the month of Falgun. Let's know the date of Mahashivratri, Puja Muhurta, Parana time and importance…
Maha Shivratri 2022: Worship of Lord Shiva in Hinduism has special significance. It is believed that Lord Shiva is a very kind and merciful God. They become happy even by offering a lot of water. Let us tell you that along with the monthly Shivaratri that comes every month, Mahashivratri which falls in the year also has special significance.
Let us tell you that Mahashivratri is celebrated on the day of Chaturdashi of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month. By observing the fast of Mahashivaratri, all wishes are fulfilled, troubles and troubles are removed, freedom from fear, health is attained by Shiva's grace, happiness and good fortune increase. Mahashivratri is considered the best day to worship Lord Shiva. Let us know about the date, auspicious time and worship method of Mahashivratri, its importance…
Let's know the date of Mahashivratri:
According to the Vedic calendar, in the year 2022, the Mahashivratri date will start at 3:16 am on Tuesday, March 1, and the Chaturdashi date will end on March 2, Wednesday, at 10 am.
Significance of Mahashivratri:
Devotees offer prayers in all Shiva temples on the day of Mahashivratri to please their Lord Bholenath. According to religious beliefs, Lord Shiva appeared in the form of Linga on the day of Mahashivaratri. Lord Sadashiv had taken a corporeal form from the Supreme Brahman form.
Auspicious time for Mahashivratri Puja:
Worship of the first Prahar of Mahashivratri- March 1, 2022 is from 6:21 pm to 9:27 pm.
On this day the worship of the second prahar will be held from 9:27 minutes to 12:33 minutes on 1st March.
Worship of the third prahar – March 1 is from 12:33 minutes to 3:39 minutes in the morning.
Worship of the fourth prahar- 2nd March is from 3:39 am to 6:45 am.
– Parana time – March 2, Wednesday after 6:45 minutes. (Also read)- Gemology: If you can't wear ruby, then wear it as a gem, luck can shine
Mahashivratri Puja Method:
Mahashivratri, which falls in the month of Falgun, is considered to be one of the biggest Shivaratri of the year. On this day, after taking a bath in the Brahma Muhurta, establish an urn filled with water at the place of worship of the house. After this, establish the idol of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. Then offer Akshat, Paan, Betel nut, Roli, Molly, Sandalwood, Clove, Cardamom, Milk, Curd, Honey, Ghee, Datura, Belpatra, Kamalgatta etc. to God. Simultaneously do pajoon and in the end do aarti. (Also read)- Weekly Horoscope, February 21 to February 27, 2022: Shani Dev will rise, Cancer and Scorpio will be blessed with luck, know how this week will be for you